Wednesday, 26 October 2011

FAnfiction References

So i decided that my author page was getting too cluttered. Here are all the links till today for all the fanfictions.

References for The Quill and the Wand.
Chapter 6:
Ginny Weasley: 
Hermione Granger: 

Chapter 12:

Dinner Date:
Club Wear:

Chapter 16:


Chapter 17:

Hermione Granger: Dress-

Ginny Weasley: 


References for Moronic Department of Cupids:

Chapter 3:

Hermione Granger: Dress-
Ginny Weasley: Dress-

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Germany+ complications of the heart= ??

This was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. Well, it is that. But I am not so sure if it is in the sense I wanted it to be. Don´t get me wrong, I am having fun and stuff, the weather is awesome. But I am not so sure about the people I am with. The group I mean. It has a wide variety of people, most not the sorts I usually hang out with. You know, the gossipy giggly sorts. They´re nice in their way. But not nice enough. It isn´t bad enough that gossipy people repulse me.

As usual, I am pretty much alone, after being labeled the resident freak who is ´´too serious´´.  But I guess I should be used to it by now. It isn´t like my own friends think otherwise.

Worst is, the only person I could have a decent conversation with hates me now because of my stupidity. Okay, part mine and part his. So out of a three week trip, he´s ignored me and treated me like shit for a week. Did I mention I hate being snubbed? It´s gone beyond the limit of depression- due- to- mistake. It´s reached the pissed-even-though-it´s-my-fault stage. And I hate it. We´ve been avoiding each other like plague. If he´s in the elevator, I take the stairs. If I am crossing the road, he waits till the next light to cross. And he´s hanging out with the very people we ridiculed. Fucking hell.
The girls with us are decent enough. Some are really, really bitchy. But then that trait has been encoded into the female genome since time immemorial. So I ain´t exactly complaining.
München is a beautiful city, where the modern has been skilfully morphed to make it appear old and archaic. When we were in Salzburg, Austria it was bloody freezing. In two days we go to Berlin. Hopefully, my temper would have cured till then because I have been dying to go there since I visited New York. And I am not letting someone´s stupid ego get in the way of this trip. No matter what. He can go take a hike down the hill for all I care.

Monday, 16 May 2011

A bottle full of emotions

It is said that emotions show weakness and hence should not be shown. They should be bottled up inside because the world is full of treacherous people just waiting to pounce and take advantage of that one moment of weakness. But is that really the case?
Of course, hiding emotions is a good thing at times, because it helps one keep some cards at hand. But showing no emotion at all can lead people to think you don't have any; that you're not humane.
In my case, i do share at times, with my best friends, IM and DK and sometimes SS. But not everything, There are things that i'd like to keep to myself; but then there are things that need to be shared to keep the mind clear and heart light.
Bottling up of emotions can do funny things to people. It can lead to people denying things rampantly until they themselves believe it to be true. Take an example.
Two exes named Carmen and Vance. Vance dumped Carmen because he was jealous that she had so many male friends and therefore, his insecurity led him to drop her. Carmen is obviously heartbroken, but then moves on after being convinced by her friends as to what a douche he really is. However, Vance can't get over Carmen and starts being an absolute moron towards her in order to try and get over her. So then, he's not only fooling himself into this, he's effectively destroying Carmen because he couldn't be a little more open about his insecurities and now he's just plain jealous. Plus, he knows he's lost his chance and is not being able to face to fact that things might really be over.

Did this whole fiasco really help anyone? With one person shutting down, he not only ruined his chances but also caused great distress to the other. That really was never the point.

Friday, 8 April 2011

NEEDED: an instruction Manual

When we are born, what we remember most are cooing relatives and neighbors and strangers, proclaiming to our parents how 'lucky' they are to have such a "beautiful" child. Being from the generation where all that mattered was school, college, marriage and a big family with kids, I am sure most whole heartedly agreed. Most of the mothers took on the role of the Alpha head of the family, giving up their jobs to look after the child with full devotion. I doubt any of them thought Oh! I cannot do this! or anything on those lines.
Newer generation of parents are finding it hard to cope with the whole Lets have a baby! thing. I heard a couple complaining recently about why babies couldn't come with an instruction manual or a video to train them to look after the child.
Frankly speaking, I would love to have an instruction manual telling me what all I am capable of. Honestly? It is SO much easier considering the fact that the number of people who are sure of themselves make up a teensy weensy bit of the society. For the rest of us normal people, life's about as easy to figure out as a labyrinth. I mean lets face it- how many of us are sure  about what they want to do with life? In my experience, we are what we are because the society was like that at the time of decision making.
Like today, it is virtually impossible to imagine an Indian who is pathetic at both science and math and loves humanities. It is unheard of, an idea so foreign it has been pushed to the fringes of society where no one dares to touch it. So naturally, India produces more doctors and engineers than anywhere else in the world, with lawyers and designers being an almost extinct breed.
This brings me back to my initial point. It is an utter and total waste when more than half of the society which is capable of joining jobs in the humanities stream wasted their life in science and math because their parents or teachers or neighbors felt it right.Or maybe, the person was so confused with what to do, she ended up following what everyone said.
It would be so much easier if we were born with a stamp on the forehead that said FUTURE DOCTOR or FUTURE LAWYER. That way we would avoid confusions. We could probably be delivering babies who came with manuals that would have things like How to tackle my mood swings? and What I DON'T LIKE TO EAT?. But then there would be no drama. =P